Author: V. A. Tokarev. e-mail: [email protected] Currently, physics is facing a number of serious problems: Based on existing ide...
Author: V. A. Tokarev. e-mail: [email protected]
Currently, physics is facing a number of serious problems:
- Based on existing ideas about nature, it is impossible to explain the observed movement of stars in galaxies without involving elusive dark matter;
- It is impossible to explain the apparent accelerated expansion of the Universe without the involvement of unexplained dark energy, as well as to explain the difference in expansion rates measured by different methods (Hubble tension);
- It is impossible to combine quantum physics and gravity;
- It is impossible to explain the abnormally high temperature of the solar corona and a number of other serious problems.
Many physicists consider the so-called M-theory to be the most promising hypothesis capable of solving these problems, in which 7 microscopic collapsed spatial dimensions are added to three spatial dimensions and time. However, this theory is not only insufficiently developed mathematically, but also does not yet have any experimental confirmation.
The authors of the study suggested the opposite, namely that our spherical Universe exists and is expanding in a four-dimensional space that is much larger than this Universe. This allowed us to formulate a hypothesis about the physical essence of time as our perception of the movement of the Universe due to its own expansion in the direction of the orthogonal fourth spatial dimension [1].
It is possible that the reason for the expansion of the Universe lies beyond its borders and is inaccessible to us. The speed and uniformity of the expansion of the Universe does not matter, because time is the distance traveled in the fourth spatial dimension. The proposed hypothesis gives common sense to the moment of the Universe's origin: it, at least, determines the place of its birth. The time of the Universe's birth was probably quite definite, according to the clock of four-dimensional space. The spherical shape of the Universe best explains the absence of a center of expansion.
The main consequence of this hypothesis is the inconstancy of the speed of light in a vacuum, as A. Einstein wrote in his article “On Special and General Relativity” in 1917. Depending on the curvature of space, the speed of light can be any, but with a given curvature it is the maximum possible. In addition, the speed of light depends on the distance traveled, i.e. on its red shift.
To experimentally verify the predicted hypothesis of a low propagation speed of radio emissions with a large red shift, an original technique was developed based on the difference in the propagation speeds of radio waves before and after reflection from the mirror of a parabolic antenna [2]. The experiments carried out are extremely simple in terms of technical implementation, and are also easily repeatable with standard equipment.
The experimental results fully confirmed the hypothesis about the physical essence of time [2, 3]. It turned out that the cosmic microwave background radiation travels at a speed of 123 km/s, the radio emission from the Sun travels at a speed of 3,000 – 3,500 km/s, and our Universe moves in the fourth spatial dimension by 123,000 km in a time that we perceive as 1 s.
Within the framework of the considered hypothesis, the effect of real time dilation in a space curved by gravity is easily explained, there is no need to introduce such new entities as dark energy and dark matter, and excessively high luminosities of quasars and similar objects are reduced [1].
The most important consequence of the hypothesis is the absence of matter as such – there is nothing in the world except electromagnetic waves, which was also foreseen by A. Einstein.
Relatively low-frequency vibrations propagate in space, and the shortest-wavelength vibrations, due to high specific pressure, bend space and close into rings, which we perceive as clumps of matter. The axis of rotation of the ringed waves is orthogonal to our space, which leads to paradoxes of the spin of elementary particles. We observe quantum effects due to the whole number of wavelengths of electrons in closed orbits in atoms.
All transformations of particles into radiation are analogs of frequency conversion in electronic mixers, as a result of which new frequencies are formed on the nonlinearity of curved space, which, depending on the wavelength, can collapse into a particle or propagate as electromagnetic waves. It is also possible that the abrupt appearance of superconductivity is explained by the unfolding of closed orbits of electrons and their propagation as an electromagnetic wave.
The apparent loss of energy of light quanta during red shift also finds its explanation – the increase in wavelength exactly corresponds to the ratio of the squares of the speed of light at the end and the starting points, which increases due to the constant increase in the limiting speed of light in free space during the expansion of the Universe. The dependence of the speed of light on the curvature of space in the vicinity of the Sun explains both the abnormally high temperature of the solar corona and the presence of the solar wind filling the heliosphere [4].
The experiments made it possible to estimate the size of the Universe – they turned out to be not very large: if the Universe has existed for 13.8 billion years, then its radius in the fourth spatial dimension is approximately 1,736 Gps. There may be many other universes in this fourth dimension. The Hubble constant was also calculated, which in this case is 70.86 (km/s)/Mps, which is in good agreement with current estimates for the local Universe.
Thus, time is our perception of the expansion of the Universe. This definition of time allows us to solve the following tasks:
- Determine the place and time of the birth of the Universe, specify its shape;
- Specify the reason for the limit of the speed of light and its value at a given curvature of space;
- Explain the mechanism of time dilation in gravitational fields;
- To formulate the absence of matter as such, and thereby explain its quantum properties, the transformation of matter into radiation, and combine quantum effects with gravity;
- To give a simple explanation of the mechanism of superconductivity;
- Eliminate the need to introduce dark matter and dark energy into physics;
- Specify the reason for the abnormally high temperature of the solar corona;
- Determine the size and rate of expansion of the Universe.
The proposed hypothesis is simple, does not contradict any firmly established scientific fact, explains many incomprehensible phenomena and is confirmed by a number of simple experiments and observations. This hypothesis can serve as the basis for new discoveries in physics.
2. V.A. Tokarev,
G.I. Kuleshov; The Speed of Propagation of Background Radiation; J. Phys. Astron. 2023;11(5): 348.
3. V.A. Tokarev, G.I. Kuleshov; Autocorrelation Function of Solar Radio Emission in the 12 GHz Band; Global Journal of Science Frontier Research: A. V. 24; Iss. 5 (Ver. 1.0).
4. V.A. Tokarev; Solar Corona Heating; J. Phys. Astron. 2023;11(7):359.
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