Author: Chu-Jun Gu As a physicist, my personal experience is extremely unique. Professors and doctoral students in the ivory tower of physi...
As a physicist, my personal experience is extremely unique. Professors and doctoral students in the ivory tower of physics can never imagine such an experience. I would like to review this experience, so readers can naturally understand the origin of my paper, Mass Interaction Principle as a Foundational Framework for Quantum Mechanics.
I returned to China in 1999 and promoted the environmentally friendly green refrigerants (R405A, R411A and R411B as per ASHRAE Standard 34) ,which I invented to replace CFC refrigerants in the Chinese refrigeration industry.
In 2000, my business was listed in Hong Kong. Later, I
acquired two listed companies from refrigeration industry in China, Guangdong Kelon Electric
Co., Ltd. and Hefei Meiling Electric Co., Ltd. Later I acquired Yangzhou Asiastar Bus Co., Ltd. and Xiangyang
Automobile Bearing Co., Ltd. to help local governments out of fiscal difficulties.
In 2005, a private entrepreneur in Shunde,
Foshan, colluded with Shunde's secretary and the director of China Securities
Regulatory Commission, to seize my shares in Kelon. They fabricated eight false
criminal charges and reported the case to the Ministry of Public Security of
China in the name of the China Securities Regulatory Commission.
Eight colleagues and I were
wrongfully imprisoned on July 29, 2005. It was not until April 10, 2019 that I
was vindicated by the Supreme People's Court of China. During this period, my
shares in five listed companies and more than 8,000 acres of land, factories,
equipment and nearly 50 billion yuan of property were robbed by local
governments. After the vindication, I applied for state compensation. I have
been working very hard to this day, but I have not yet got any shares and property
Since 1999, in addition to running
these five listed companies, I also established the Green cool Institute of Theoretical Physics. At its
peak, the institute had more than a dozen physics PhD and Master researchers.
Because I could not guide them regularly, the institute has not achieved any
decent research results. However, one thing has been very helpful to my future
research. From 2000 to 2004, the institute kept reporting to me that Bell's
inequality was violated by experimental results time and time again. This was the most important frontier
information in physics that I got before I went to prison.
These experiments that violated Bell's inequality gave me a huge shock. It turned out that I had always been on Einstein's side, but the experimental results of Bell's inequality proved that Einstein's hidden variable idea —— the movement of microscopic particles is deterministic rather than probabilistic, which is controlled by hidden variables —— is wrong. I fell into long-term deep thinking on this issue.
Until July 29, 2005, when I was
persecuted and imprisoned, I seriously picked up the study of theoretical
physics with all the time in the world. When I was in prison, I was treated as
an economical and political prisoner. I could not subscribe to newspapers,
economical and political journals. The cruelest thing was that I could not
receive any letters from the outside world.
Because I kept writing letters of denunciation to the central and provincial governments about these corrupt officials, the officers of prison could not rest easy. In return, I was allowed to read books of physics and mathematics for 16 hours a day. They thought that my study of physics and mathematics would not harm them or cause any trouble. I could not study books of economics and law because it would cause trouble for them. So every time I met with my lawyer in the detention center, and later when my brother came to the prison once a month for family meetings, I could get a bunch of physics and mathematics books. Until I was released from prison, I actually brought back more than 500 mathematics and physics books.
Since I knew that Einstein's hidden variable idea had been denied by a number of experiments before I went to prison, how could I break through this dilemma? I was educated in materialism since childhood and was not allowed to accept Bohr's Copenhagen idealist interpretation of quantum mechanics. People in prison have a lot of quiet time, and there is no harassment from phone calls and We Chat. I don't even have the interference of letters. I sat in front of the iron window of the cell for many sleepless nights of grief, anger, pain, and even despair, watching my fellow prisoners hitting mosquitoes with iron bowls coated with a thin layer of soap, and they could catch dozen mosquitoes each time, thus improving the sleeping environment at night. At the same time, I often looked up at the sky outside the iron window, where there were often a few stars twinkling. I could quietly think about the century-old debate between Einstein and Bohr again and again.
Finally, one night, I suddenly
realized that electrons are doing Brownian motion. These electrons really
exist, but they are doing Brownian motion, so electrons are not controlled by
hidden variables. Who drives electrons to do Brownian motion? That is, of
course, the energy fluctuation of space-time. I immediately thought that the
fluctuation of energy would produce something real, that is, the massless
scalar particles from pure energy. I simply called them spacetime
particles(STP). Unlike the Brownian motion of pollen in water, the Brownian
motion of electrons under the impact of STP is frictionless, so it will not
stop due to the damping effect, and will continue to do Brownian motion
forever. Therefore, I created the spacetime action principle (now renamed as
Mass Interaction Principle, MIP): material particles will be subject to the
collision of STP that are ubiquitous in spacetime and perform random and
frictionless Brownian motion. The change in the amount of particle action
during each process is an integer multiple of Planck's constant h. The movement
of material particles under the collision of STP is a Markov process.
So far, the century-old debate between Einstein and Bohr has been perfectly resolved, which makes the two masters I admire most both half right. Before his death in 1953, Einstein was still expressing his feelings to his friends: Does the moon not exist if we don't look at it? My theory proves that Einstein is right, that is, the moon exists objectively whether you look at it or not, and the electron also exists objectively, whether it is actually measured or not. But Bohr was also half right, that is, there is no hidden variable driving the electron, the electron is purely probabilistic, and its probability come from the absolute square of the wave function. My theory pulled the two masters who had been fighting for a hundred years apart, and they can both laugh heartily in the grave, even shake hands and make peace! After I die, I must engrave MIP on my tombstone, and maybe invite these two masters to to get drunk in the heaven.
People can always continue to question: What principle controls the collision between STP and electrons? The result of the difficult investigation is the MIP I proposed, which is a brand-new physical principle that describes the random collision of STP with all material particles. My paper further proves that STP has a more important task, that is, STP acts as the shepherd dog of quantum mechanics. The seemingly random collisions of STP with the material particles precisely make the material particles strictly obey all the laws and axioms of quantum mechanics. Therefore, STP acts as the supervisor and shepherd dog of all the microscopic behaviors of the material particles.
MIP has thus become the fundamental framework of quantum mechanics. This framework has brought a series of breakthrough achievements in physics. Here are three of them reviewed as follows briefly:
1. Newtonian mechanics and quantum mechanics are irrelevant to the order of time, that is, these laws of physics show that physical processes are the same whether time develops forward or backward. The irreversible process in time is always solved by the entropy increasing law of thermodynamics, and cannot be organically integrated with the principles of mechanics into a complete theory. MIP can derive the entropy increasing principle naturally, which completely solves the time direction problem of Newtonian mechanics and quantum mechanics. It proves that the time direction and the bottom-level theory of physics are self-consistently integrated, and no additional assumptions are required.
2. According to MIP, the
trajectory of electrons in hydrogen atoms is real which has real physical
coordinates and speed. As a real object, electrons move locally in atoms and
cannot maintain a state of uniform linear motion, so they must have
acceleration. How to make electrons with acceleration and without radiation is a major contribution of my paper. Copenhagen
School of Quantum Mechanics cannot really solve the paradox that electrons have
acceleration and no electromagnetic radiation . The solution proposed by the
Copenhagen interpretation is actually to say that electrons are not an
objective physical entity before detected by the experimental instruments. This
solution is not convincing at all either in physics or in philosophical
epistemology. Only MIP can solve this paradox without sacrificing the objective
reality of microscopic particles.
3. In 2021, the Fermi National
Laboratory in the United States accurately measured the anomalous magnetic
moment of muons, and the deviation between theory and experiment reached 4.2
standard deviations, which is a very significant deviation. If this deviation
is caused by chance, the probability is less than one in four million. I keenly
noticed this 4.2 standard deviations mean that the contribution of a certain
particle has been missed in the standard model. In the framework of MIP, I
believe that this deviation comes entirely from the contribution of STP. From
this deviation value, the coupling constant between STP and the material
particle can be determined. Introducing the interaction strength between STP
and muon can completely match the theoretical and experimental results of the
anomalous magnetic moment. My intuition was finally proved to be completely
correct by calculation. I only need to introduce a single parameter λ, that is,
the interaction strength between STP and the material particle.I can
simultaneously make a self-consistent and accurate explanation of the lifetime
and anomalous magnetic moment of the muon. This is exactly my greatest source
of confidence in the entire paper.
Under the guidance of this new principle, I continued to study intensively for ten years and finally resolved all the unsolved mysteries of Bohr and his Copenhagen school. It keeps quantum mechanics, that is, the physics of the microscopic world, from going astray in idealism, and thus established a materialism interpretation of quantum mechanics. I also believe that my research results can help quantum mechanics itself to become a truly complete theory.
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