The Toroidal Fine-Structure of the Electron

Author: Gene Gryziecki   Introduction-   In 2001 I was interested in a change of employment and started to research the alternative  energy ...

Author: Gene Gryziecki 

Introduction- In 2001 I was interested in a change of employment and started to research the alternative  energy industry. I had been interested in this field since college but never did anything  about it. One of the recently subscribed-to publications introduced me to the work of a  small scientific team in Canada led by Dr. Paulo Correa. Little did I know that their work  would introduce me, not to so-called "alternative" energy, but to THE primary energy  driving the universe and the creation of everything. 

Since then, I have read over 5,000 pages of their published work, usually more than once,  visited them on a couple of occasions and witnessed the demonstration of some of the  resulting technologies. 

Foundational to the work of this team is the experimental and theoretical study of a  primordial form of energy ("the aether", "dark energy", etc.) whose transformations  produce all other energy forms. They have rigorously identified and described its  parameters and developed an algebraic theory of its transformations. Thus, they have  explained the processes whereby Matter is created from this massfree energy when the  electric and magnetic longitudinal waves are trapped in a certain manner, and how this  energy interacts with Matter to produce the electromagnetic spectrum and the Cosmic  Microwave Background Radiation. They have also proposed and lab-tested a number of  novel technologies that utilize this energy. 

An essential methodological tool in this research has been the development of a  second/meter system of units that expresses all physical magnitudes as multiplicities of  time and space. Its first step was the deciphering by the Correas of a formula by Wilhelm  Reich (1897-1957) for the functional equivalence between mass and length, which Reich  proposed in the context of his idea that “atomic weights are gravitational functions that  can be functionally replaced by pendulum lengths.” 

The use of Reich’s mass to length conversion and its expansion to a complete  second/meter system of units proved immensely fruitful, facilitating the Correas' new  understanding of Louis de Broglie’s (1892-1987) theory of matter/particle waves, the  complexities of the electroscope, the thermal anomaly of Faraday cages (as identified by  Reich), and the output of Tesla coils (in agreement with Nikola Tesla’s (1856-1943)  comments that the coil's output energy is not electromagnetic even though he was unable  to provide proof). These, in turn, have led to a new understanding of energy and the  ground-breaking discovery and analysis of a primordial energy that is MASS FREE.  

Since this complex amazing breakthrough has been ignored for nearly three decades, I  would hope to help it gain some attention and possibly help commercialize some of the  technologies. 

As an introduction to this work, my paper, “The Toroidal Fine-Structure of the Electron,”  describes the Correas' theory of the electron as a torus-shaped flux of energy and how it is created by the superimposition of two mass free waves, and specifies all its wavelength,  wave function, and frequency parameters. Please see the link below: 

For those further interested in this extraordinary science, the monographs meticulously  describing the experiments, thought processes and conclusions can be found at Descriptions of the team’s technologies and supporting  machines can be found at  


Gene Gryziecki, BSEE, MBA

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Global Journals | Science Innovations & Stories Blog: The Toroidal Fine-Structure of the Electron
The Toroidal Fine-Structure of the Electron
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