Frictional Heat Generation and Geothermal

Author:  Li Xuefeng 我叫李雪峰,中国,河南省三门峡渑池县英豪镇姜王庄村人。本人爱好物理,长期自学成才,终于在 2005 年认识产生了飞跃,创立了以冷聚合为原理的宇宙模型,完美的解释了太阳日珥、黑子和耀斑现象。二十年了我的理论,一直被中国主流打压,得不到应该有的...

Author: Li Xuefeng







My name is Li Xuefeng, China, Jiangwangzhuang Village, Yinghao Town, Mianchi County, Sanmenxia, Henan Province. I love physics and became self-taught for a long time. Finally, in 2005, I made a leap and creating a cosmic model based on the principle of cold polymerization, which perfectly explained the phenomenon of solar prominence, sunspots and flares. After twenty years, my theory has been suppressed by the mainstream of China and can not be recognized as it should be. Thanks to our team for recommending my theory to the world.

Here’s a brief overview of my theory.

My theory is the first complete cosmic model in the world established at the height of cold polymerization of matter, which is in sharp contrast to the half-cosmic model established by the mainstream of modern physics and the principle of thermal polymerization. My theory inherited the mainstream understanding of world physics at the beginning of the 20th century, the principle of cold polymerization of matter, and denied the semi-thermal thermal polymerization in the 20th century. A complete and complete model of the universe is formed. It is a major breakthrough in the basic theory of the world physics.

The article is simple and profound, described in the most simple language, from the natural phenomenon of stone tip spark, reasoning the essence of friction heat generation (pressure heat generation). Explains the geocentric, geothermal, and solar energy issues. The core of the article is the stress heat theory; the biggest breakthrough is the understanding of the original understanding of the law of cooling; the least easy to let the mainstream recognition is, [liquid sun]; the most wonderful idea is the quantum model; the most direct evidence is the photo of the sunspot phenomenon; the most direct phenomenon is the problem of climate change; the biggest contribution is to give the discovery of a new energy (pressure energy formula) to the world, show the world a real, complete model of the future prediction of the universe.

My theory mainly includes: the three main characteristics of of cooling. Frictional thermogenesis substance (pressure thermogenesis theory). Liquid sun said. Evolution law of solar-type stars. Recycle universe (fireworks universe). The galaxy explosion said. The cooling black hole said.

The main problems of explanation are: the problem of the planet turning into the power source. Problem of stellar matter ejection. Problem of stellar density. The formation of the giant molecular cloud gas, the earth cracked said. Photon dark matter says. Big flood said. All unpublished (the evolution of solar stars) explain the principles of the problem of climate change and future climate, the occurrence and development of prominence ences, including sunspots and flares. There are also the inorganic generation of carbon theory, geomagnetic theory, hot and cold climate polarization theory, Venus acid rain theory, and so on.

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Frictional Heat Generation and Geothermal
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