Alexander Alexandrovich Antonov I believe that my major scientific achievements in astrophysics are: Successful theoreti...
Alexander Alexandrovich Antonov
I believe that my major scientific achievements in astrophysics are:
- Successful theoretical and experimental proof (as opposed to the unsuccessful MINOS and OPERA experiments, conducted for the same purpose) of physical reality of imaginary, complex and hypercomplex numbers
- Refutation of the principle of light speed non-exceedance in the special theory of relativity (STR) according to which, as has been wrongly assumed up to now, Monoverse should exist;
- Adjustment of the existing version of the STR in accordance with the principle of physical reality of imaginary, complex and hypercomplex numbers;
- Proof of verifiability of the hidden Multiverse hypothesis
- Explanation of the dark matter and dark energy phenomena by existence of other invisible parallel universes of the hidden Multiverse alongside with ours, and explanation of the physical nature of mutual invisibility of parallel universes;
- Development of the concept of dark dimensions, of which dark matter and dark energy are a special case;
- Proof, by using the WMAP and Planck spacecraft data, of quaternion structure of the hidden Multiverse being side by side with one to three other Multiverses which are unobservable from the Earth neither by electromagnetic nor by gravitational manifestations;
- Explanation of where there are four pairs of matter and antimatter in the hidden Multiverse;
- Explanation of the nature of six-dimensional space (regardless of time) of the hidden Multiverse;
- Explanation of existence of a very large number of transitional areas between adjacent universes in the hidden Multiverse, which are referred to as portals or star gates in literature and known as the so-called anomalous zones on the Earth.
GJMR: Global Journals Blog
What is the most surprising in this regard is that I had enough time to obtain those results, in
spite of all reverses of fortune. Everything that happened to me was useful in this work. In fact:
- I was born in a family of highly educated parents (My father is a military pilot. He graduated from two Military Academies. My mother is of a noble origin. Her parents died in the civil war. She graduated from the Agricultural Institute). All my childhood I lived in military garrisons, where there were almost no fellows of my age. Therefore, my childhood may be said to have passed in a kind of a 'barrel of Diogenes', where I interacted only with adults and read a lot.
- After graduating from the Leningrad Aviation Institute (now St. Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation) and further postgraduate study there and getting Ph.D. I worked as an assistant professor in the Tula Polytechnic Institute (now Tula State University), where I taught radio electronics and advanced mathematics.
- At that time I developed the theory of resonance at complex frequencies while working on a secret research project. However, as the theory refuted the principle of light speed non-exceedance in the STR, the criticism (much less refutation) of which was forbidden by the order of the authorities of the Academy of Sciences, I was forced to halt the activities.
- After that I got to work at the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and participated in development of special electronic devices, due to which I received nearly 200 patents, including in United States, Japan, China and other countries.
- I got a chance to get back to activities resulted in proof of physical reality of imaginary numbers only after dissolution of the Soviet Union. Publication of results of the MINOS, OPERA and ICARUS experiments, as well as relevant scientific debate, was a powerful incentive for further work in this area. During the debate on some publications it was alleged that if the principle of light speed non-exceedance was actually refuted, such a scientific achievement would deserve the Nobel Prize. But, I knew that the principle has been already refuted by me in the 1970s.
- Then I thought a lot about what imaginary physical reality could represent. As a result, I have developed the hypothesis of hidden Multiverse which explains the phenomena of dark matter and dark energy. The famous American astrophysicist Professor Michio Kaku wrote in this regard: “Surely, there is a shelf full of Nobel Prizes waiting for the enterprising individuals who can unravel the mystery of dark energy and dark matter”.
- All of these studies would be impossible without comprehensive support of my wife Olga Ilinichna Antonova, to whom I’m endlessly thankful.
For more details on my research please refer to the article: “A.A. Antonov (2016). Overview
of publications of A.A. Antonov on the problem of explanation of dark matter and dark energy
phenomena. Journal of Russian Physical and Chemical Society. 88(1) 63-76”.
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