Night time pulses of ground energy associated with a celestial source

  John F. Caddy & Robert W. Elner Abstract- We discuss the daily cycle of prana, qi, or vital energy in the environment, employ...


John F. Caddy & Robert W. Elner

Abstract-We discuss the daily cycle of prana, qi, or vital energy in the environment, employing subconscious sensibilities of the human nervous system which are shared by many people, but often unused, and not as yet recognized by mainstream science. Long established traditional knowledge in Peru, India and China recognizes the same phenomena under different names.
We show that the type and level of qi detected varies typically on an hourly basis during day and night, and that two forms can be sensed:
  • Sky energy, radiated onto the earth from space is dominant in the daytime; peaking shortly after dawn and low at night.
  • Ground energy, forming a discrete layer above and within the earth, moves just above the earth’s surface during the night. Subjectively, it appears to be ‘sticky’ and may be a carrier of information specific to the locality.
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A hypothesis explaining the daily cycle of prana is that the suppression of the nightly ground energy surge in the daytime is a consequence of the pressure of sky energy on the earth’s surface. A traditional dowsing technique from Sardinia provided consistent results in quantifying both sky and ground energies. However, these vital energies can be readily detected by most persons without equipment, if the subconscious mind is allowed to operate in a mild trance state. Ground energy is easy to feel in tactile mode, and is particularly abundant at night in areas where surface or underground water is located. It may also be discerned visually by some persons in low light conditions as it emerges from the ground, or when it lies on surfaces; hence its alternative name ‘heavy energy’. Further, ground energy may be perceived as green in color, and at night may be seen to be carrying particles. The senior author identified these particles on occasions as images of crystals, small insects, and mosses. Detection is difficult to verify by technological means, but extends our capabilities as humans to assess different environmental conditions directly; in particular, underground water and tensions in underlying rock strata are stimuli detected by dowsers, independently of their dowsing equipment.
Tinnitus is a common auditory defect the senior author has suffered from for 45 years, possibly as a result of listening to loud music and hunting earlier in life. It was this which led him to learn some elements of shamanism and qi/prana detection. In reaction to this invasive problem, he focused on training in meditation and detecting chi phenomena, hoping to find a practical cure. One aspect become clear over time; namely that the tone and loudness of the tinnitus sound reflects internal emotional states, but also increases our sensibility to external chi fields. The tone and volume of internal noise he is subjected to is modified by the type and level of qi in the locality, hence it can be a means of detecting positive (high sky qi) or negative conditions (high ground qi or excessive emotions). As such, we may question whether tinnitus had practical significance for our ancestors in detecting for example, dangerous, safe or productive locations for their vital activities? This paper may be useful to sufferers of tinnitus, not as a cure, but as a way of increasing their sensibility to negative environmental conditions or dangerous emotions.
Strong nightly pulses of tinnitus were provisionally identified with a cosmic source of radiation, due to their close scheduling in night time observations over a period of weeks. The pulses of tinnitus sound were characterized by delays occurring 4 minutes earlier on successive nights which is characteristic of cosmic phenomena perceived from Earth.
The second author acquired a capability for detecting and characterizing qi fields during extensive trips into the Amazon rainforest. These fields and complementary manifestations are especially rich in primeval situations as exemplified through shamanic rituals and experience.

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Global Journals | Science Innovations & Stories Blog: Night time pulses of ground energy associated with a celestial source
Night time pulses of ground energy associated with a celestial source
Global Journals | Science Innovations & Stories Blog
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